Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Diverse and Extraordinary Wildlife in Nxabega

 Our first day in Nxabega was very warm, but it was a relatively cool night and morning.  We set out with Kux and TT and Bill and Nicola in hopes of finding Lion and Wild Dogs that the guides knew were in the area.  We saw a tremendous amount of species during the both of the game drives.  While back at the Lodge we simply ate and tried to stay out of the heat. 
Cape Buffalo

A bull Elephant, up rather close...

Two male warthogs "socializing"

We crossed many river channels, some with bridges and some without.  There were times where Kux would tell us to pick our feet up in case water got into the vehicle.
Female elephants in the distance


Even more elephants

African Fish Eagle
Young male giraffe

 And then there were the leopard cubs.  The pictures fail to show how amazing it was to spend time with these little ones.  Kux said that they were younger than a month old.   He explained that they sleep most of the day while their mother goes out and hunts.  When we saw them in the afternoon they were up from their nap and playing and waiting for mom.

That face!

We reluctantly left hoping that their mother would be there soon to care for them.  While she was not around the cubs were very vulnerable to other predators.  We felt so lucky to have seen them while they were active.
And then there was the baby giraffe. It was taller than Rob.

The trees of Botswana can make for really stunning sunset photos.

Rob's favorite.

Back at the lodge, we enjoyed dinner next to the pool.  Bill and Nicola were kind enough to eat with us again and we really enjoyed sharing travel stories with them.  The staff came to sing a song of celebration to Andrea and David, who were celebrating an anniversary.  They were kind enough to share their cake and combined with our own dessert, we were stuffed.  Back in our room, we were serenaded to sleep by hippos coming out to forage in the dark. 
Another incredible day in Africa.

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